Monday, November 29, 2010

How Can I Manage To Spread Myself So Darn Thin When I'm So Darn Fat!?!

I know that I spread myself too thin a lot of times, so I'm wondering how I can manage to spread myself so darn thin when I'm so darn fat.

Anyway, this is a very busy time for me, so the best way to keep up with me is to read my journal, because I do keep up with writing in that at least once in awhile.  There is even a comment section where you can talk back to me, if you're a member of AND logged in.  Of course, you can still read my journal even if you're neither one.

By reading my journal, you can keep up with my other projects at least some as I manage to get them finished.  I have the feeling that December is going to be one busy month and that one of my best birthday and Christmas presents I'll be giving myself this year is to get at least half of what I've set out to accomplish accomplished--and, of course, the more the better.

Many people know that I keep an Invisible-Youth-Network-related blog called My Helping Hand Journal.  On November 20, I started writing a blog-entry that will keep on being added to through January 15 of next year, and I've called it 'Tis The Season!

Very shortly, readers like you will find out (after I "grow" it some more) what the significance of those two dates are.

Anyway, it's going to serve, in part, as a kind of online Christmas newsletter.

One thing that I'm starting to do is to pay more visits to old favorites in the way of writing/networking/social sites.  I've been missing places like Epinions,, and MyLot and want to get back in the groove there again.

Here are three discussions I've just started at MyLot.  It's one of those places where anybody and his brother is welcome to read discussions.  However, if you want to start your own and/or respond to ones already started, you need to join.

Joining MyLot is not only a great place to discuss things but, also, it has the potential to bring in some money as well.  Since I've joined--and I haven't been active 100% of the time--I've made over $85.  Had I been active the entire time, my earnings would have, likely, been well into the three-figure category at the very least.

It's a great way to bring in at least some income while doing what we often do for free anyway:  discussing things.

If you join (and joining is free) while you're connected through one of my links, we will BOTH be happy campers!!!

Three of the discussions I've started will be helpful to any, some, or all of the following:

Our kids at Invisible Youth Network, Roger Dean Kiser, Russell T. Hartsaw, Stuart V. Goldberg, Susan Boyle, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hanson, and countless others.

How can that be?

You'll just have to check out the discussions and find out.  Don't worry!  You won't be forced to join if you don't want to.  Joining will be your choice.  Trust me that none of the links that I'm sharing will jump out and bite you--even though I hope that they grab you.

Are you ready?

Here they are:

On this note, I'm going to sign off, as I want to feed my face and share this in an e-mail before I call Russell tonight.  Lots of fantastic things have been happening with Invisible Youth Network, and he and I need to put our heads together and see what we can come up with to make things even better.  I'll be filling you in at one place or another as I know more, and I'm sure that Russell will, too.

Anyway, this old elephant is going to be hitting the hay before long, as I not only have a big day ahead of me tomorrow but, also, the entire week and beyond.

You will be finding out more when you read the pages of my journal, watch my blog-entry grow, and catch me around at various ones of my old haunts.

I have a kind of belated 2010 resolution to have my life considerably more organized before it's time to make my 2011 resolutions.

Oh yes!  I'm also hoping to finish my book while it's still 2010.  Do you think that I will or not!?!  LOL

Stay tuned!  I can be a very interesting person at times when I'm not boring you silly. . .


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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cheap Imitation Crystal Ball

This interactive at is tons of fun.  The more people contributing, the more fun it is.

Here's a link to take you to it so that you can see for yourself.

You can read the contents without being a member of WDC, but you must be a member and logged in (if you aren't already fitting both descriptions) in order to interact.  It's absolutely free!  The link I've provided will refer you by me--but only if you make the decision to join.  Hope you do!

I've been contributing to it for years--everything from serious to silly subjects.  Hope to see you there adding to this conversation, because, as I've just said, the more the merrier!

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Get in Free

Get in Free is the name of a neat, new social site I've just joined.

Using between 5 and 350 characters, you can share news on your profile page, and you can also write on the walls of other people.  The only restrictions seem to be to keep it kind and non-threatening (including not using it as a pick-up site) and not sharing messages containing pyramid schemes, online stores, etc.  You can share links to blogs and blog-entries, however, so you can have information on them about things you're selling, etc.

You can also announce that you've just finished writing a book and can mention (without a direct link to it) where it can be bought at.

At least, this is how I understand the TOS.

Also, your profile pic(s) needs/need to be family-friendly.

There are also contests and auctions where what you earn by referring friends can be used.

The place seems to have possibilities, so I hope you'll accept my invitation to join--which automatically earns you the equivalent of $50 USD.  Complete your profile page (very simple), and you will receive $50 more.  For each person referred by you, it's another $25.  For each person your friends refer, it's $10.

As soon as I get some ahead, I'm going to try my hand at bidding on this really healthy facial soap that's supposed to be good for my skin. Has a lot of natural ingredients in it.  Might even bid on some perfume to make me smell nicer.

Right now, I'm just getting my feet wet, but I already see the possibilities!

Want to join me?

Just click on the following link (right below this paragraph).  Oh yes!  You still have to register after clicking here in order to join.  This link in no way ropes you into something that you haven't chosen to do.  And, yes, it IS absolutely FREE!  Hope to see you at Get in Free!

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Wednesday, November 03, 2010

The Truth About Cars And Computers

I received the following in my e-mail from my longtime friend, Ron Drain.  Just had to pass it on to you...

For  all of us who feel only the deepest love and affection for the  way computers have enhanced our lives, read  on.
At  a computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated:
'If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25 cars that got 1,000 miles to the  gallon.'

In response to Bill's comments, General Motors issued a press release stating:  If GM had developed technology like Microsoft, we would all  be driving cars with the following characteristics:
1.. For no reason  whatsoever, your car would crash.........Twice a  day.
2.. Every time they repainted the lines in the road, you would have to buy a new car. 
3.. Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason.  You would have to pull to the side of the road, close all of the  windows, shut off the car, restart it, and reopen the windows before you could continue. For some reason you would simply accept this.
4.. Occasionally, executing a maneuver such as a left turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to restart, in which case you would have to  reinstall the engine. 
5..  Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was reliable, five times as fast and twice as easy to drive - but  would run on only five percent of the roads.
6.. The oil, water temperature, and alternator warning lights would all be replaced by a single 'This Car Has Performed An Illegal Operation' warning  light. 
7..  The airbag system would ask 'Are you sure?' before deploying.  
8.. Occasionally, for no reason whatsoever, your car would lock you out and refuse to let you in until you simultaneously lifted the door handle, turned the key and grabbed hold of the radio antenna. 
9..  Every time a new car was introduced, car buyers would have to learn how to drive all over again because none of the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car.
10. You'd have to press the 'Start' button to turn the engine off. 

PS  -   I'd like to add that when all else fails, you could call 'customer service' in some foreign country and be instructed in some foreign language how to fix your car yourself!!!!

Feel free to share this with your friends who love - but sometimes hate -  their computer!

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Just Say "NO!" To Politics As Usual!!!

 I wish that our elected officials would quit wasting time acting as if they're playing some kind of sports game with one team called Democrats and the other team called Republicans.  Instead, they should act like people working together on a committee to come to decisions based on the best interests of those who hired them by voting for them.

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