Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Bazaar AndThen Some!!!

 Since late last year, I've been a part of  something that seemed to be shaping up to be pretty unique and exciting--not to mention lucrative!  


Why a new social site called tagvillage!!!

I've watched it being grown very carefully and tenderly--and, NOW, something REALLY exciting is about to happen!!!

It has to do with things like making a commission and buying products at this bazaar that will only cost a dime apiece!  A DIME APIECE!!!

I'm not sure how this is going to be pulled off, but I'm certainly curious and excited!!!

At this time, I'd like to invite anybody who hasn't done so by now (and hasn't already joined through someone  else) to take me up on my invitation to let me be the one to take you there!!!

It doesn't cost anything to join and never will, though there are opportunities happening in which you might want to invest.

Anyway, what can it hurt to become a part of all of the action and to prepare to be surprised, excited, and inspired...

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