Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Prince Charming
Is Just Another Name for
The Snake Charmer

The Snake Charmer--a wonderful book written by one of my favorite people, Stuart V. Goldberg--will soon be "out there."  

Not long after that, if all goes as planned, it will be turned into a movie set in Chicago with a cast made up of those who are in one way or another connected to The Windy City.  

From time to time, Stuart will share excerpts from his book (which is based on his experiences--seen by many, including myself, as downright heroic--as a defense attorney) with his Facebook friends.  

I understand why he does this, because I, too, am writing a book, and I feel like the contents are under pressure within me so that some will slip out like steam and food aromas from a pressure cooker before it's time to place its contents on a serving plate.

Today, he wrote on his wall about his practice of going right into the bowels of a jail or prison to meet with his clients instead of having them come to a sanitary, whitewashed meeting room.  He smells what they smell, hears what they hear, and places his well-maintained, upper-class hands on the cold bars that separate him from them (in body but not in spirit).

By coming this close to crawling inside of their skins, he feels much better prepared to defend them and lead them towards another chance to succeed at life.

The response I wrote to him seemed like one that shouldn't get lost in the shuffle of wall messages, so I've decided to share it here so that more people will understand why he is--and always will be--part of the beautiful embroidery of life that has been stitched on my heart.

I'm also including some wonderful graphics to illustrate this blog-entry, because learning more and more about Stuart is like encountering beautiful landscapes in either photographs or personal experience...

 Karen Carpenter might have sung of eyes of blue in Close To You instead of those beautiful ebony eyes of yours, but the words still apply to you because of the wonderful, sensitive person who is Stuart V. Goldberg.

You have, among others, your family, your friends (both real life and Internet), law students, and your adopted family from the hood all longing to be close to you, and you deserve this much more than you even show you realize through your sharing here at FB and in your upcoming book.

I hope that it will be finished and out there soon so that people can begin reading it and further make your inner-beauty (and I'm not saying that you don't have outer-beauty, too, because you have it in abundance as well!) a very contagious epidemic!!!

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