You're Cordially Invited To A Snowflake-Signing Party!!!

My special friend, Russell, has been helping homeless kids in the San Diego area for several years and is now the Chairman & CEO of an organization called Invisible Youth Network (or IYN, for short).
I've been there with him (from almost 3000 miles away in Anderson, Indiana) from the planning stages, and we've watched the growth and development of IYN together. We have a growing number of volunteers working with us and always welcome more.
Russell has been in the habit of taking to the streets, finding teens and children who need a trustworthy and caring friend, and bringing them things to eat and other supplies, along with working with an area shelter called The Storefront that does that and then some.
I told him that I would like to help him when I could -- and this has led to my becoming a spare mom to ten very special kids:
Three daughters (Betty Anne, Robin, & Tabitha)
Seven sons (Bobbie, Gerald, JoJo, Little Warrior, Ronnie, Sonny, & Survivor)
Here's the story of how that all came about!
Since that time, all ten of these kids have been placed with loving families, but I still like to do Mom things with them -- such as making special snowflakes for them.
Below, find their names (which are clickable links), and you will be able to view the snowflakes I made for each of them -- plus I've also made Russell and me our own.
The number that you see beneath a name is the number of that particular snowflake. When you get to the site, there's a Find-A-Flake feature in the bottom left-hand corner. Enter that number in the search (in the window meant for flake numbers), and you'll be able to watch the "action" of the construction of the flake.
I've intentionally packed a lot of action into each one to make them extra fun.
I hope that you'll want to write a friendly message to each of the kids -- and, hopefully, to Russell and me as well.
At the time Russell began working with them, they ranged in age from nine to fifteen. The youngest of the group is JoJo, and, according to Russell, he's a real character (told me that he reminded him a little of himself at that age).
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this -- and, hopefully, to join in the fun!
And please remember to keep current re: IYN activities by going to this information sheet I've put together.
Betty Anne
Little Warrior
Labels: at-risk, child, homeless, Invisible Youth Network, IYN, snowflake, teen, young adult, youth
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